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    • Goals: Create an ambient calendar alert using a neopixel strip. By the end of the project, you’ll have connected your Particle device to your Google Calendar through IFTTT and display an alert using a Neopixel LED array


    After testing different NeoPixel light settings with the number of pixels, I started with testing if the IFTT webhook worked with my particle board, experiencing learnings around the following:

    * 'else' functions do not require an ==

    * utilizing bool and adding that variable above the setup and loop function

    * setting a distinct Pixel color - RGB - when the IFTT is not called as an 'on/off' distinction

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    I then utilized the 'millis' function to delay the timing. Since I was experiencing difficulties with IFTT, I opted to set the 'reverse' of the TimerStarted, checking if timerStarted =false and calling the fade if timerStarted==true to test the fade. 

    If this were functioning with IFTT, the code would fade to red once the webhook is called, and then fade to blue. If the function was not running, it would set to grey. This way, I could tell if it was on or running.

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