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I work on this lab and I encountered a few hiccups. Biggest being a bug that cause my program to crash (divide by zero). I spent considerable time in it as I am not used to debug without error message but I learnt to use Serial as a logging tools to debug. I have also learnt to use c++ array.

Below is my final code.

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To prevent the video file being to big, I modify the fadeDuration variables t0 10,000 millisecond so that the Neopixels fade from white to red in 10 seconds and fade back to white in 10 seconds.

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Screenshot 2023 11 16 at 23.18.32.thumb
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I enjoyed this lab quite a lot as I feel there is a lot of potential of LED as ambient display. I am thinking utilizing them to notify me when specific contacts send me a text. At times, I find myself eagerly anticipating messages from certain individuals, but I don't want to constantly check my phone and risk getting distracted. I believe ambient light could be a highly effective solution in this scenario.

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