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Exercise 2.1- Get the LED light to blink after pushing a button and having a potentiometer.

In this circuit, I am going to be using a potentiometer and a button to light up the LED. 

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Exercise 2.2- Using a flex sensor, 2 LEDs and a button.

Objective- Here, I'm trying to see the difference in pressure after the button is pressed. So there is a threshold, below which the Green LED will light up, and after the bend is increased, the Orange LED will light up. The button has to be pressed at all points for this to work. Its practically like building a maximum weight alert device.

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The code for the following is given below:

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Reflection- I think the key here was to find the range over which the code worked. It took me a while, by trial and error to find the exact bend number which will make the both the LEDs blink. 

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