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The product I wish to create is an installation that can provide a visual display of the estimated time for the next bus arrival. As a habitual last-minute person who tends to multitask in the morning, I find it challenging to prepare my lunch bento box while also checking Google Maps for the upcoming bus schedule. Therefore, I have identified three key time intervals for catching the bus:

t < 10 min & t > 5 min: Start packing the school bag (The bus slowly move towards the bus stop)

t <= 5 min & t >= 3 min: Leave the house to walk to bus stop

t < 3 min: It is impossible to catch this bus; wait for the next one. 


While deliberating on which motor to use—servo or solenoid—I ultimately chose to work with a servo due to its generally easier implementation.

One challenge I encounter is to handle with servo. Especially with smaller angles (angle < 20 degrees, in general), it sometimes wobbled for a few seconds before reaching the set position, or in some cases, it did not reach the set position at all. I invested a considerable amount of time in understanding this mysterious wobbling, only to discover I should have connected the positive wire to VUSB not 3V3.

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Outcome & Possible Improvement

    • I am able to get a proof of concept [see video]
  • One potential improvement for the future is to incorporate another motor for producing sound or vibration. This enhancement would better capture my attention during a busy morning.

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