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The goal of this project is to build a basic IoT project using the Particle Argon microcontroller and complete some basic code projects such as controlling LED lights.


By following the tutorials on the DIoT Lab and official Particle Handbook, I connected the Argon microcontroller to Particle Cloud, and wrote various forms of code to enable different ways of controlling the LEDs.

Ex. 1: Make LED lights go on and off every 3 seconds。

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Ex. 2: Using for loop to make the LED  enter a 3-second interrupt state every five flashes

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Ex. 3: Adding the second LED light,  then make the LED’s to alternate blinks. when LED 1 turns on, LED 2 turns off, then when LED 2 turns on, LED 1 turns off.

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Additional Ex. 1: Use the Particle Cloud function to send commands to the LEDs to make them blink.

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Additional Ex. 2: Change the input so that it can control the LED blinking by entering the number of times it blinks.

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Additional Ex. 3: Add a second LED so that the two LEDs can be controlled separately in Particle Cloud.

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In this section, I've learned basic skills to build a microcontroller developing environment, and also able to write basic functions to control the operation of the LEDs, including a way to transfer commands using Particle Cloud, and I'm exploring some other ways to run it.

In the process, I realized that it was important to keep the functions neat and easy to read, which would help keep things efficient as I added more features and equipment later.

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