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    • The idea is to simulate snowfall with a dc fan and generate ambient display using flying foam beads.
    • Potentially it would be trigger by a snowfall event sent by the weather API. 
    • The power may work with wind speed.
    • Now the particle function is set to be taking input as the interval of triggering the fan to test the function and its effect.

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I started the circuit with transmitter and diode with a 5V/1mA DC brushless fan. In the testing I neglected yellow and blue wires to prototype on the interaction. The test started with plastic balls decomposition of a chunk of foam. The rough cut container is a plastic cup and mesh wires.  

I also tried to test with other materials like post-it, facial tissue. But both of them failed. Maybe it should be tested with the fan that got 1 A current. But somehow the effect triggered by the 1 mA little fan is actually quite subtle and nice.

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