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The goal of this project was to create an ambient calendar alert using the 16 neopixel strip. I was able to connect my particle device to my Google Calendar through IFTT and display an alert using the neopixel LED.


The process for this product was a long one. I first started off by going back and learning about the LED lights and how to connect the IFTTT to the particle. 

So first I was able to connect the LED lights to the breadboard and get them to light up. Then I wanted to change the color so I did and made the lights green. I then wanted to turn each individual light off one by one. After that I wanted to change the colors of the light one by one. Then came the hard part of connecting the IFTTT to the particle.  Then I created the code so that it turns red when I connect to it and finally it also fades to white.


The product I created is an ambient calendar alert that turns a bright red when there is 15 mins left until the event. It then also slowly turns white while the event is happening and finally a white when the event is over. 


I learned that I need to be careful with the key that is connected to my particle device. Also, the there are many different libraries and you have to go into the library and link it to your code. Becuase if you try to type out "#include <neopixel.h>" it won't work. 

Some of the other things I would have loved to do would be to connect the other IFTTT to the particle code like emails. This would be very helpful for me as sometimes I don't check my emails as much as I would like to.

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Here we have the beginning of me learning how to connect a light to the bread board and exploring what all I can do with it.

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Here we have the beginning of the calendar being attached to the code so that it turns a bright red.

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  Here we have the device turning white while the event is ending.  

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