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    • In this project I tried to set up an Neo Pixel ring to change color 15 prior if any events are starting on my calendar. 
    • Everything works except the IFTT webhook to particle platform because the request returns a 403 error and I don't really know why. I think it is issue with my authority code because I had a lot of trouble getting that and it was really sus. 
  • Below are a video demonstrating the color change when function is triggers on Particle console and the screen shot of the (not quite working) IFTT webhook. 

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I first started by creating a circuit with a neopixel. Then, I set up a function that lets me change the color to red using the Particle Console. After that is done, I modified the function to let the color change within 1 minute. Then I setup the IFTTT webhook and links it to my particle. 

I was able to setup everything succesfully, but when I tested it with a calendar, the request did not go through. I don't really know why. A request was made and the action was triggered, but it seems the particle side didn't accept the job correctly. If I had more time I would try to fix this, perhaps with help. 

Screen shot 2023 12 14 at 1.27.55 am.thumb
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