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Set up a two-input, one-output circuit. 


I first set up a circuit with a photosensor and an LED. I also set up a second circuit with the switch and LED to familiarize myself with the process and the setup. I ran into a few snags with the photosensor as it was too bright in my workspace, and I had to recalibrate the readings for the input and output numbers. The digitalwrite channel D2 also seemed to not work at the start, but with some troubleshooting with Daragh, we changed it to D1 (for more power to flash the bulb)


I set up the circuit with a switch button, a photosensor, and an LED Light. I think this can be used as an automatic night light with a manual override, perfect for places like hallways or bedrooms.


I learned how to check for the input from the sensor on the Particle. I also learned how to combine both inputs. It was an interesting and fun project, figuring out the led bulb and a photo sensor. 

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