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When we neglect our garden for a long time, we often find it overgrown with weeds. Similarly, when we've been working at our computers for too long, our energy is no longer sufficient for high-density tasks, yet we still sit there idly, fatigued but unable to move. 

Perhaps, during such moments, your computer might even start "growing grass" too. What you really need is a little reminder—something cute, like a sprout—to encourage you to step outside onto the lawn and breathe in some fresh air!🌳🌳🌳

[try to work with motor in Particle] :

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- The Particle device receives a command ("1" or "0") from the cloud.

- Updates the flags based on the input.

- In the loop(), the servo moves to 90 degrees if moveTo90 is true or resets to 0 degrees if resetTo0 is true.

- Each movement is followed by a 500ms delay to ensure the motor has time to reach the target position.

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