Created a webhook to pair two photon devices
The process we followed was:
1. Create a circuit in on e photon that lights up an LED when the touch sensor receives an input.
2.Connect the two photon devices via webhook
3. Have the touch sensor in one photon and the led on the other photon
4. Switch the input and output on the photon
5. Combine the input and output on both photons- an led and a touch sensor on each photon
The process was quite troublesome. We generated multiple access tokens and just had to "trial and error" our way to crating a working webhook. We also tried to create a connection through a third party API ThingsSpeak, but that threw us multiple errors too. Finally it was just a chance that we hit the right access token that worked for us, but that made the process seem like it was out of our control.
We documented the final demo when the input-output worked, however we then encountered some network erroes which caused it to not work again with the same setup and code.
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