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While the main intention of this project was to create an ambient light effect as a response to a google calendar alert. I struggled to get the IFTTT to work, and resorted to creating a different alert system that is based on the period of time in which someone is holding the pressure sensor. Much like how a calendar has different alerts and settings, this creates a different signal light based upon the period of time you hold the pressure sensor.


As I worked through the assignment. I began by creating a basic circuit that connected purely the neopixel to the board, and tested the rainbow code on my board to see if the wiring was correct. However, while I was trying to implement this test code to my original code, I found myself being consistently faced with the error of the neopixel library not being found. After many attempts, I finally was able to get some help and learned how to add this library to my board, and was happy to see this work. From here, I wanted to explore a new way to interact with the light, and added a pressure module to my board, so that when pressed at different pressures there would be a different light setting that is triggered. Organizing the code in different events, I could then create specific light patterns within each and call them based on the amount of pressure that was applied.

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    • In the end, I was able to produce a pattern of light sequences that were triggered at different pressures. I was happy with the response of the pressure and the light, as the pressure was quite finicky for some time, but after carefull readjusting of the values, I was able to produce a decent outcome.

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In the future I would like to look at how I can apply this setup in different settings, as well as figuring out how this might fit in to a more everyday device, and work as an ambient device. Possibly hooking it up to another servo to create a flower blooming effect when in response to different lights, and applying different narratives these each of these contexts. 

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