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As suggested in class I took the idea of series for these. I decided to focus mostly on shape and balance for the composition. The lighting was excellent for this, as it was completely overcast so the light was very soft. Keeping everything else out of the frame was a bit of a challenge, though, and it limited the photographs I could take.

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For the most part I like this one, but I wish I could have gotten the camera to focus closer. However, the camera had to be almost right against the wall to get the shape I wanted.

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Here I wanted to take the same idea as the previous photograph, but put a spin on it. So, I took an inside corner instead of an outside one, and tried to see how that changed composition. It ended up sharper since it wasn't as close to the wall, but I struggled with balance here.

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Here I was looking at shape and balance again, but this photograph didn't have nearly as much contrast as I thought it did when I took it. I definitely wish I would have gotten this one in a couple different exposures.

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Here I was playing with reflection, though I could only do so much without post processing. I really like how the reflection creates the illusion that the walkway continues further than it actually does, but I wish I could have gotten better balance.

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