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I used the synth tool EFM1 tweeked up the harmonic on the modulator, increased the depth and level and lowered the carrier harmonic.

Screen shot 2014 12 01 at 2.33.27 pm
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Smooth Sound:
I used the synth tool Sculpture mainly adjusting the pickup meters, tuned out the strength, changed the waveform to sample hold with lag, tweeked the frequencies at different levels and increase the feed given. Played a suitable pretty piano piece to further the effect.

Screen shot 2014 12 01 at 2.47.25 pm
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To give the percussion effect I attempted to make each individual sound short and crisp using the Retro Synth tool. For both LFO and filters I made the sound spike right at the beginning and slowly decrescendo down. Also added a bit of a reverb using the oscillator. In the end this sounds like something out of a disney movie. 

Screen shot 2014 12 01 at 4.15.01 pm
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