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I used the drum beat in the instrument library to create the percussion piece. I played some music by music typing and then quantize it.

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In order to create a smooth and nice piece, I used saxophone in the instrument library and then use RetroSyn to modify it. I made the instrument sounds smoother and flows better than before. The following picture is the screenshot of my mixer. 

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Screen shot 2014 12 01 at 4.56.30 pm
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For the alien sound, I first used the water flow instrument I created beforehand to generate some melody, and then I opened RetroSyn mixer to modify it into alien sound. I changed most of the parameters in the mixer, like filter env, amp env, LFO. I played around with all the lines graphs in the mixer until I got this sound that I like the best and sound most alien to me. The following picture is a screenshot of the mix I used for my alien sound.

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 I commented three sounds in “PATCHES and tunes” by Eric, and one sound in “Synth Stuff” by Kristen.

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