
I plan to use a spoken word poem I especially love, called "Repetition" by Phil Kaye, and lend something of a soundtrack to it. I want to make something extremely simple and minimalistic: maybe a sparse Piano and Guitar track.

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If you listen to the original piece, you'll find he does this thing where he constantly repeats words over and over again in order to show how they lose their meaning. I believe this would work very well with some minimalistic music. My intention is to build sort of mini-crescendos on each such word repetition, placing further emphasis on the music with each successive repetition to further emphasise how words lose their meaning with repetition.

I plan to leave out the part about how he develops a stutter (approximately the last minute of the piece). I'm still debating as to which point exactly I should end my work at. Right now I see 2 options:

1) At 1:40: After the line "I am an injured handyman now"

2) At At 1:59: After the "I love you" repetition part.

Suggestions in the comments on the same would be appreciated!

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