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If you are unhappy today, and you go back to your home, Hommood will welcome you with its happiness. Hommood is a smart home that could detect your mood and if you are unhappy, it could make you happy by changing the color of the walls, playing your favorite music, sending forth your favorite fragrance, etc.

However, people will rely on it. They would gradually loss the ability of regulating emotions. Just like staying too much time in air-conditioned room, people would be hard to live without the air conditioner. Since then, once people have developed dependence on Hommood, what will happen if they need to leave Hommood or could not go back to Hommood?


Mood detect: pulse sensor, could be in the form of wearable devices;

Music player: connected with mood detector, know user's preference;

Room aroma: connected with mood detector, know user's preference;

Wall that could change colors

And more...

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