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In studio based environment, sometimes, it is hard for “designer” to gather ideas from a huge amount of people to choose a “best design concept”. It is time consuming, it limited the number of concepts as well as people who can involved in the process to help designer choose their favorite or least favorite ideas.


PinBox is a system that allow “designers” to outsource their user preference test campus wide, gather people's preferences quickly, efficiently and quantitatively.

Why PinBOX?

We use “robot character” boxes with the face of happy and unhappy as the “voting box”. We also got the inspiration from Pinterest, you will pin the one you like in it, so we just simulate the movement of like and dislike as “PIN”, it also seems like the sound when press the button, so that is kind of where our product’ name come from.


Scenario 2
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People who designed the project can get feedback and some suggestion using this product. We have two little box--figure, which have smiley face and upset face on it symbolizing like or dislike. The button on the two figures are connected to Spark core and our website, which will show all the designs from the student. Pressing on either like or dislike button will lead you to another page, and there are 8 pages in total. After all the quick feedback phase ends, the data of the results will be shown on the website, so the person will know which design people like most, which least. In this way, he/she can get a better understanding on how to revise the idea, and make it better.

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Two box-figures


The figures eyes are made of two buttons, which are red and white. The red one symbolizing dislike, which has the upset face on it. The other on has a smiley face on it meaning like. These two boxes are also the container of all the other components. It has the sensors, battery and spark core inside.

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Materials Required:

SparkCore *1

Breadboard *1

Red LED *1

Buttons (Massive Arcade Button with LED - 100mm Red) * 1

Buttons (Massive Arcade Button with LED - 100mm White) * 1

1kΩ Resistor *5

Small Signal NPN Transistor *2

Jump Wires * Several

5V Battery 

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Website Development

The website will show people's work in a sequence and also  record their vote


Showing different pictures of concepts of the original design, to let people choose from. And give out the final data analysis at the end.

Interface Function:

Given all the design concepts

Show your response of the design

Show your response history

Show how other concepts as a contrast

Give the final results of responses

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