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Process: Exploration of Concepts

When I was exploring the problem space I tried to understand the noise pattern for a range of natural and man-made noises. Ultimately I ended up choosing tea boiling for 2 reasons: 

1) Boiling water is a very violent process that is hidden to some degree by the tea kettle but I wanted to make it experienceable somehow.

2) I wanted to create an aesthetic experience that was detached from utility.

Process   scenario.thumb
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Process: Exploration of Form and Interaction

Unfortunately for this project I was not able to explore the form language as deeply as I had hoped. My intention for the form was to create a device that appeared to be delicate/petite (to contrast the violent bubbling process) and appeared similar in shape to radios/speakers so that hints that it is sound related.

For the interactions I coded a few of patterns on the NeoPixel ring to see what patterns had fit the qualities of the water boiling at various stages.

Process   form and interaction.thumb
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