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For this image, the point of view makes for an personal relationship with the subject. The camera is was taken up close to enforce an intimate perspective. She’s in the center of the frame and her two children’s heads on the sides serve to create a balance in the image.

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For the policeman photo, Lange used point of view to give the impression that the police man was larger-than-life. In the image, he seems bigger and separate from the crowd behind him. Putting him in the center and leaving the crowd behind him makes him important and the subject and makes them unimportant and secondary. Symmetry good for creating a strong balance and the dark colors on the policeman are balanced by the grays of the crowd.

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This one seems to balance the people facing backward with the one man facing forward. It has a sort of emotional impact since the man is depicted as separate and disjoint from the rest of the crowd. The camera’s focus is on his section of the image making him the subject.

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Trying to emulate Dorothea's style was very difficult. I decided that to try to emulate her style the most, I'd take pictures of people in trouble. 

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I also tried to deviate a little bit from what she focused on: people. I tried to find something that was broken (within the context of its surroundings) but could still be seen as beautiful. Just like these people living in their misery were when Dorothea took the pictures. 

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