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Because I used to be an architecture student for one and a half year, I have learned a lot on one point and two point perspectives, and also constructed geometry. One of the topics included Alberti's method, which I employed in my drawing. Utilizing my architecture tool set, I decided to focus everything on accurate proportions and architectural constructions while free-handing, instead of focusing on artistic rendering. 

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Background plane with a focal point corresponding to where I am looking. I sat really close to one side so my picture would be non-symmetrical and therefore able to showcase more techniques of construction. Let "x" be the distance between focal point and the right edge of the background plane. The "V" point I used to base my distances is approximately 2x. I would of preferred it to be greater, but ran out of space on the page.

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Architectural constructions using algorithms that would create accurate proportions. I would consider this to be the core of my drawing. Almost all construction lines that do not interfere too much with the actual drawing are kept

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The final product with a bit of more detail and shading. Pediments on the extruded walls were constructed. Since my focus was on the construction of the proportions and not the rendering, I deciding to keep shading at a minimum and keep the main construction lines visible.

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