Money making car adapter

Made by Jonathan Fortis

Get paid to drive or get discounts on insurance if you use a car adapter that tells you more about your car's health, diagnose car errors and tell you about your driving habits.

Created: November 1st, 2019


What is it?

For the customer, the device is meant to save money in their car insurance costs by rewarding drivers with discounts. Say that your insurance is $85 monthly and your insurance provider offers you up to a $25 monthly discount if you use their car adapter. And the cost to get the adapter is free!


How good could it be for the consumer?

Up to $25 off of $85.00 is almost a 30% discount every month, besides a nice tool for your car.


What’s the catch?

 The device connects to the car’s onboard computer. It allows drivers to get alerts on their car’s health indicators, driving habits, gas mileage, and can even detect and diagnose problems and notify you. But it also allows the device provider to extract data from the car and device.  


How bad could it be for the consumer?     

Car data can include anything from mileage, driving behaviors, speed, etc. Onboard sensors of the car adapter, unbeknownst to a customer, could have 24/7 access to a network, transmit location as well as receive over the air updates, meaning that capabilities can be added. The terms and conditions can be changed at any time by the provider, if the device has a microphone, it could be activated, the possibilities become endless up to whatever the manufacturer or car insurance provider can justify themselves to include.


Designer Recommendations

If you’re extracting data, be sure to use it ethically and be wise, think about the consumer but also be careful and make good judgment when you believe your actions are unjustified or potentially dangerous.     

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Get paid to drive or get discounts on insurance if you use a car adapter that tells you more about your car's health, diagnose car errors and tell you about your driving habits.