Pittsburgh In View

Made by Alex Lin, Ghalya Alsanea, yingyanz, Paggy Zhu and Jason Zhu

Pittsburgh In View is an interactive installation that aims to rejuvenate the barren common space of Studio 3577 by bringing to life the vibrant city around it.

Created: November 14th, 2018


Pittsburgh In View is an interactive installation that aims to rejuvenate the barren common space of Studio 3577 by bringing to life the vibrant city around it.

The installation is housed in one of the filled window frames and transforms the wall into a dynamic window. In front of the covered wall are several frames that each peel back layers of the city; the first panel shows what is directly behind the wall while the last panel shows the greater downtown area.

Finally, the installation is interactive in nature; when users near the installation, the image distorts (frames sway slightly). This is a commentary on how no matter how close a user gets to a photo, they will never have the same experience as if they traveled to the real location.

Location Plan
Mood Board
Mood 1.jpg.thumb
Mood Board (cont.)
Mood 2.jpg.thumb
Mood Board (cont.)
Mood 3.jpg.thumb
Mood Board (cont.)
Mood 4.jpg.thumb
Mood Board (cont.)
Mood 5 1.jpg.thumb

Bill of Materials

0.02” X 48” X 96” Acrylic [QTY 7] = $149.94*
Acrylic Gripper (Stainless Steel Wall Standoffs) [QTY 20] = $11.99*
0.014” X 477’ High Carbon Steel Wire = $14.74*
0.002” X 48” X 100’ Mylar Roll Clear = $89.75*
Estimated Subtotal = $266.42
+Estimated Grand Total = $346.35
* Value does not account for cost of tax and shipping
+Value assumes 30% price increase for tax and shipping
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Pittsburgh In View is an interactive installation that aims to rejuvenate the barren common space of Studio 3577 by bringing to life the vibrant city around it.