Second Day: Soft Circuits and Needle Felting

Made by Adella Guo

Learning how to embed a basic circuit in fabric as well as how to needle felt.

Created: April 9th, 2016


Soft Circuit Cat

Conductive Thread
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Necessary Components: conductive thread, battery pack, leds, switches
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Sketch of my soft circuit cat design
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How my circuit works (sorry the +/- should be switched to -/+)
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Sewed the black felt for the cat's face and legs, and situated the led (-/+)
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Needle Felt Totoro



I really enjoyed learning today's techniques. On one hand it was very technological with needing to know a some basic physics to create a working circuit yet also crafty and imprecise with the needle felting. It took me a rather long time to understand how the circuits worked with all the parts that we needed to use (battery pack, conductive thread, +/- sides of the led) and to make sure not to create a short circuit. I ended up not even finishing during class, but the concepts sunk in within the week and I realized that it's really easy yet can be as complicated as you want it to be. The needle felting on the other hand was just fun and even therapeutical since we could just stab the felt to our hearts content. Overall I think I want to do my final project with the two techniques I learned today. I particularly am interested in the interaction part of making an led turn on and turn off.

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Learning how to embed a basic circuit in fabric as well as how to needle felt.