Fabrication facilities are spread across the CMU campus and are maintained by academic departments, student clubs, and research groups. For this project, you will form teams organized around a manufacturing process (e.g. 3D printing, molding, vacuuforming, wood working …)
Each team will:
1. Write a short description explaining
a. how the process works
b. what it is useful for
c. what its limitations are
d. how much it costs to use
2. List all the places on campus where the process is supported
3. Describe how one gains access to each facility (e.g. you have to be a member of a particular department, belong to a particular club, …)
4. Make a presentation to the class covering the points above
Introduction to rapid design through virtual and physical prototyping. The class will cover the design process, problem solving methods, interdisciplinary team work, current industrial practice, an...more