2017 A2 - Project 1 - Lasers
15 projects · 18 members
This pool is for students in digiTOOL: mini 2 (A2), fall 2017.
This pool is for students in digiTOOL: mini 2 (A2), fall 2017.
Design an ambient notification that evokes an 'emotional gesture'. Prepare a conceptual design and realize a working prototype of an ambient object that presents online data in a physical space and...more
Find and discuss one example of calm technology in a commercial product. The example can be a product that completely blends into the background, or it can be a feature of a product that uses the ...more
Hello, please provide any feedback as you want.
Digital Tooling Projects, focusing on Digital Fabrication Processes.
Vail Cypher LED
(first video didn't upload correctly; please visit the link instead — can't edit documentation :"•) )