Precedence Research 01
11 projects · 12 members
Show us three projects that relate to your field of interest.
Show us three projects that relate to your field of interest.
Individual ‐ Due Wednesday Nov. 5, 6pm Record the world around you: 1. Capture a minimum of ten minutes of raw field recordings using a portable device (Zoom H1) [25 points]. Remember to use...more
Reflecting on the topics, readings, and projects introduced, work collaboratively to prepare a working prototype of an thought-provoking IoT experience.
Sense something unexpected. Build a device that uses a microphone to translate otherwise unintelligible, unobservable, or under-utilized noise from your environment. This noise can be generated by ...more
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Vail Cypher LED
(first video didn't upload correctly; please visit the link instead — can't edit documentation :"•) )