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Research an artist.

4 projects · 10 members

You have been assigned to study Kasmir Malevich's artwork, Paul Klee's artwork, or Wassilly Kandinsky's artwork. For Thursday as a group you should select one work per person (2-3 works) [Recommen...more

Visual Synthesis - The Photographic Image

9 projects · 10 members

Select a photographer you like, try and emulate this style. Present at least 5 photographs that you have taken in the style of this photographer and document what you found interesting/challenging ...more

Module 2 - Data Windows

7 projects · 10 members

Build on the warm up to build a series of windows on your neighborhood that supports and expands the story you're trying to tell with data. Produce a 3x3 grid of 'data windows' that illustrates ho...more

RME 2B: Investigation - Spacesuits for Shrubbery

3 projects · 5 members

Design a small-scale analog of a closed-loop Martian greenhouse using a sealable pressure vessel. You'll be provided with materials and technologies. Prepare a working prototype.

Recently Discussed
Vail Cypher LED
Leslie Liu
Leslie Liu Posted on 2024-10-31 10:04:57 -0400.

(first video didn't upload correctly; please visit the link instead — can't edit documentation :"•) )

Skills Dev IV: Working with Outputs - Motors and Movement
Yanling Zhang
Yanling Zhang Posted on 2021-12-08 23:33:30 -0500.


Skills Dev IV: Working with Outputs - Motors and Movement
ihans Posted on 2021-12-04 21:02:17 -0500.

Super cool!

Head in the Clouds
Alex Wang
Alex Wang Posted on 2019-10-13 22:58:04 -0400.

Wow! This project is so cool!

Memory Capsules
Wei Gong
Wei Gong Posted on 2018-09-17 17:12:09 -0400.


Pittsburgh Mural and Graffiti Location Relationship in Selected Neighborhoods
Lu Zhu
Lu Zhu Posted on 2017-09-21 23:20:36 -0400.

Hello, please provide any feedback as you want.

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