A Flock of Stories
Made by Rikky Roy Koganti, Raisa Chowdhury and Anna Tan
Made by Rikky Roy Koganti, Raisa Chowdhury and Anna Tan
We wanted to describe the ocean stream of stories as instead, a flock of stories. A flock of birds, where each individual bird makes up a small component of a much bigger story, and the flock itself as a whole splits up into small groups and head towards different targets, each of which represents a different master plot.
Created: October 29th, 2014
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We wanted to describe the ocean stream of stories as instead, a flock of stories. A flock of birds, where each individual bird makes up a small component of a much bigger story, and the flock itself as a whole splits up into small groups and head towards different targets, each of which represents a different master plot.