A Simple Internet Appliance

Made by Yuhan Wu

In this exercise, we’re going to create the first circuit, create a short program and control some components with code.

Created: November 1st, 2023



Get to learn about Particle and get hands on the circuit.



First 3 exercise are focused on basic knowledge about coding surrounding LED.

The last 3 are focused on functions that send argument to call the LED.

Skill Dev 1 Exercise 1
DIOT-Max - https://youtube.com/shorts/yUk9aNmPkN4?feature=share
//Setup variables

int led = D2;

void setup() {
    pinMode( led, OUTPUT );
// D2 is the out put pin


void loop() {

    digitalWrite( led, HIGH );
    delay( 3000 );
    //delay( 3000 ); - Delay 3 second
    digitalWrite( led, LOW );
    delay( 3000 );
    //repeat blinking
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Skill Dev 1 Exercise 2
DIOT-Max - https://youtube.com/shorts/PTZ8ZXrm-sQ?feature=share
int led = D2;

void setup() {
    pinMode( led, OUTPUT );
// D2 is the out put pin


void loop() {
    for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
    //loop for 5 times 
        digitalWrite( led, HIGH );
        delay( 500 );

        digitalWrite( led, LOW );
        delay( 500 );
        //each blink is 1/2 second
    digitalWrite( led, LOW );
    delay( 3000 );
    //stop for 3 seconds after 5 blinks
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Skill Dev 1 Exercise 3
DIOT-Max - https://youtube.com/shorts/dWjieeLC1ZM?feature=share
//Setup variables

int led = D2;
//orange LED
int led1 = D3;
//green LED
//it is obvious that the green LED is much lower in brightness

void setup() {
    pinMode( led, OUTPUT );
    pinMode( led1, OUTPUT );


void loop() {

    digitalWrite( led, HIGH );
    digitalWrite( led1, LOW );
    delay( 1000 );
    digitalWrite( led1, HIGH );
    digitalWrite( led, LOW );
    delay( 1000 );
//turning one of them on and another off together at the same time

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Skill Dev 1 Exercise on Function 1
DIOT-Max - https://youtu.be/EXJ8xLZIdbg
int ledPin = D2;

void setup() {
    pinMode( ledPin, OUTPUT );
    digitalWrite( ledPin, LOW );
    //LED is initially turned off.
    Particle.function( "led", ledControl );
    //register function

int ledControl( String command ) {
    int state = LOW;
    if( command == "CALL" ) {
        for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
        digitalWrite( ledPin, HIGH );
        delay( 500 );
        digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW );
        delay( 500 );
    else if( command == "HIGH" ) {
        state = HIGH;
    } else if( command == "LOW" ) {
        state = LOW;
    } else {
        return -1;
    digitalWrite( ledPin, state );
    return 1;

void loop() {
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Skill Dev 1 Exercise on Function 2
DIOT-Max - https://youtu.be/0SHK4AsIp2g
int ledPin = D2;

void setup() {
    pinMode( ledPin, OUTPUT );
    digitalWrite( ledPin, LOW );
    //LED is initially turned off.
    Particle.function( "led", ledControl );
    //register function

int ledControl( String command ) {
    int state = LOW;
    int val =  command.toInt( );
    //toInt mentioned in arduino's website
    for( int i=0; i < val; i++ ){
        digitalWrite( ledPin, HIGH );
        delay( 500 );
        digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW );
        delay( 500 );
    digitalWrite( ledPin, state );
    return 1;

void loop() {
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Skill Dev 1 Exercise on Function 3
DIOT-Max - https://youtu.be/0z0Om9h3Xgc
int ledPin1 = D2;
int ledPin2 = D1;

void setup() {
    pinMode( ledPin1, OUTPUT );
    pinMode( ledPin2, OUTPUT );
    digitalWrite( ledPin1, LOW );
    digitalWrite( ledPin2, LOW );
    //LED is initially turned off.
    Particle.function( "led", ledControl );
    //register function

int ledControl( String command ) {
    int state = LOW;
        if( command == "CALL" ) {
        for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
        digitalWrite( ledPin1, HIGH );
        digitalWrite( ledPin2, HIGH );
        delay( 500 );
        digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW );
        digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW );
        delay( 500 );
    else if( command == "CALL1" ) {
        for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
        digitalWrite( ledPin1, HIGH );
        delay( 500 );
        digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW );
        delay( 500 );
    else if( command == "CALL2" ) {
        for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
        digitalWrite( ledPin2, HIGH );
        delay( 500 );
        digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW );
        delay( 500 );
    else if( command == "HIGH" ) {
        state = HIGH;
    } else if( command == "LOW" ) {
        state = LOW;
    } else {
        return -1;
    digitalWrite( ledPin1, state );
    digitalWrite( ledPin2, state );
    return 1;

void loop() {
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First take away for me might be a more common situation for beginners of circuit and coding, which is missing semicolons, comma and other elements of coding.

To be specific, like replacing the semicolons in the for loop with comma.

Another one is to locate the toINT command to turn string command into int. Which I found on the Arduino website.


The website us really helpful to find relevant commands.

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In this exercise, we’re going to create the first circuit, create a short program and control some components with code.