Drawing Alone

Made by ashleyle

"Drawing Alone" takes the popular sketch animation "Draw with Me" and rather than telling a story of love and sacrifice, re-imagines a narrative of loneliness and self-destruction.

Created: November 9th, 2015



I created a short film out of a sketch animation called "Draw with Me" using Windows Live Movie Maker. I cut segments from the original animation and reordered them while applying certain effects to achieve a more somber narrative.

Drawing Alone
Ashley Lee - https://youtu.be/LLj2lxBTqBY


Upon viewing the original animation, I was deeply moved. It captured a pure, unadulterated feeling of love and companionship.

I edited the video to create a different narrative, which captured a more depressing feeling and to reflect how tragic love can be in reality.



I'd recently watched one too many romances, and I was inspired to challenge myself to create a tragedy.



The procedure of creating the original video was relatively simple. The most significant points within the design process were ripping the original video and audio from YouTube, reversing select clips from the original, and editing scenes of the original animation to convey my narrative. A significant challenge that I encountered was when I attempted to reverse the entire original video. The only online video reverser that I could find only accepted file sizes up to 10 mb, and my ripped file wass 13.9 mb. I didn't want to sacrifice the video quality of the original by compressing the file, so instead I chose to redesign the story without the need of reversed scenes. Additionally, I applied a sepia filter to convey thee impression of a flashback, and I also slowed certain scenes to serve my purpose.



Personally, I believe that my project is lacking. Using only scenes from an original animation makes it difficult to tell an new narrative, as I was limited to scenes that were originally animated (also, the original animation was very short).  Additionally, it was difficult to convey the impression of a flashback like I had intended. Finally, Windows Movie Maker lacks effects and extensive editing functionality.

I learned the limitations of editing original videos to convey an unintended new narrative, and of the editing limitations of Movie Maker.

I would potentially use a longer original video with more scenes and frames that would allow me to edit more freely.

Also, I would acquire and utilize a more powerful editing software.

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"Drawing Alone" takes the popular sketch animation "Draw with Me" and rather than telling a story of love and sacrifice, re-imagines a narrative of loneliness and self-destruction.