I Like Your Photo
Made by mmzucker
Made by mmzucker
In this project, I focused on the number of likes on Facebook profile photos and how that number might correlate to the style and content of the photo.
Created: September 13th, 2015
In this project, I focused on the number of likes on Facebook profile photos and how that number might correlate to the style and content of the photo.
The framework you chose is very interesting because it reflects what people, or at least the people you are close with, generally like. Shrinking the photos made it easy to see the difference between pictures with many likes and pictures with not so many. It was difficult, however, to see the details in the smaller pictures. Along with that idea, I think another important aspect that could be analyzed is the type of picture that gets liked, such as what is in the pictures, what makes them appealing, and how do pictures without humans compare to pictures with humans. Overall, the conclusion that we like more edited and appealing pictures with humans correlates with the ideas along with class, but I really liked the conclusion that we like pictures because the people themselves are appealing, not just their representation.
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