Investigation 1: Timmy Toaster

Made by Michael Auld

Timmy Toaster is a moody toaster who only works when you give him something good to watch. Just like his human friends, Timmy insists on some entertainment while he cooks breakfast. If he gets bored, his warm interior starts to cool down. If he is glowing blue, you can’t make toast! Give him something to watch on your phone, and if he likes it, he’ll let you know by warming up again.

Created: February 17th, 2023

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Timmy Toaster is a moody toaster who only works when you give him something good to watch. Just like his human friends, Timmy insists on some entertainment while he cooks breakfast. If he gets bored, his warm interior starts to cool down. If he is glowing blue, you can’t make toast! Give him something to watch on your phone, and if he likes it, he’ll let you know by warming up again.