Memothy is a speculative technology memory based project intended to augment empathy between different people with different backgrounds. It is set in 10 years time, in a scenario where sousveillance has become a powerful tool as part of the social media culture. 2 people are paired with a set of goggles and necklace, so they can learn from each other seeing each other's life. This new environment compromises the life of the people involved in the project and their immediate surrounding.

Created: May 15th, 2017

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49-806 Responsive Mobile Environments

· 7 members

This 15-week course will introduce students to responsive mobile environments and encourages them to explores speculative terrains that intersect art, technology and design and space.


Memothy is a speculative technology memory based project intended to augment empathy between different people with different backgrounds. It is set in 10 years time, in a scenario where sousveillance has become a powerful tool as part of the social media culture. 2 people are paired with a set of goggles and necklace, so they can learn from each other seeing each other's life. This new environment compromises the life of the people involved in the project and their immediate surrounding.