Project 00 - Color Match- Yingyang Zhou

Made by yingyanz

This is project is aiming informing the people of the world that probably not visible but do exist.

Created: September 5th, 2018


What is this?

This is an installation on the glass facade of the skybridge that can sense the dressing color of human (also pets!)  and triggered by people who have similar color plates.

Considering the gentrification happened in East Liberty and all its history, the communication between old and new would be crucial to the neighborhood. Two google buildings could be a typical example where an old factory and new building are connected by a skybridge. By the fusion and fluid animation show up on the skybridge, it express the idea of  communicating to people passing by.

User experience

For people inside the bridge, since there are two floors of it, people inside cannot aware of what's happening in another floor,  but people outside could see it, so this installation will be indicating that when someone is wearing the same color of clothes with you which is truly happening only you can't visually see it. 


Bill of Material:

4 x camera // 2 each floor

4 x sensor

2 x audio player

LED installed on the glass  

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48-734 Reactive Spaces and Media Architecture

· 25 members

How can embedded computation change the way we experience our surroundings? This class will focus on the design and prototyping of reactive spaces. Over the course of several small projects and one...more


This is project is aiming informing the people of the world that probably not visible but do exist.