Reflected Images

Made by Ghalya Alsanea

This moving facade consists of small transparent parallelograms arranged on a hexagonal grid, rotating on a central axis. It decodes black & white values of an image and translates it into a certain rotational angle. By reflecting light whilst rotating, the facade is able to project certain images onto the bridge's exterior.

Created: September 3rd, 2018

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48-734 Reactive Spaces and Media Architecture

· 25 members

How can embedded computation change the way we experience our surroundings? This class will focus on the design and prototyping of reactive spaces. Over the course of several small projects and one...more


This moving facade consists of small transparent parallelograms arranged on a hexagonal grid, rotating on a central axis. It decodes black & white values of an image and translates it into a certain rotational angle. By reflecting light whilst rotating, the facade is able to project certain images onto the bridge's exterior.