Shivani Kannan - Working with Networking

Made by Shivani Kannan

Developing paired devices and networked interactions with Particle.publish

Created: December 3rd, 2024



Developing paired devices and networked interactions with Particle.publish



 As a first step for the final project & to understand networking, this exercise aimed to get 2 particle devices on 2 separate accounts to communicate with each other so that when the touch sensor detects touch in one board, the LED on the other board lights up.



Components: Breadboard, jumper wires, touch sensors, LED, resistor, Particle photon

1. Creating a circuit with touch sensor, LED, and resistor on the same board

2. Writing code for the simple circuit with a touch sensor to test the circuit out & get familiar with it.

3. Creating new circuits: Touch sensor on photon 1 and LED on photon 2

4. Writing code

5. Debugging to realize we need to use webhooks

6. Learning about webhooks

7. Integrating webhook

8. Using perplexity for code

9. Code doesn't work

10. Repromting... repromting... repromting

11. Restarting from scratch & asking an ECE friend to help

12. Trying other ways of integration: using JSON instead of Webform

14. Trying 'Things Speak' instead of Webhook

15. Restarting from scratch 


#define TOUCH_SENSOR_PIN D2  // Pin connected to the capacitive touch sensor

bool wasTouched = false;  // Tracks the previous state of the sensor

void setup() {
    pinMode(TOUCH_SENSOR_PIN, INPUT);  // Set the sensor pin as input
    Serial.begin(9600);               // Optional: Debugging

void loop() {
    // Read the current state of the touch sensor
    int sensorValue = digitalRead(TOUCH_SENSOR_PIN);

    if (sensorValue == HIGH && !wasTouched) {
        // If the sensor is touched and it wasn't previously touched
        wasTouched = true;  // Update the state
        Serial.println("Touch detected! Publishing event.");
        Particle.publish("toggle_led", "on", PRIVATE);  // Publish the event
    else if (sensorValue == LOW && wasTouched) {
        // If the sensor is not touched anymore, reset the state
        wasTouched = false;
        Serial.println("Touch released.");

    delay(50);  // Small delay for stability
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void setup() {
    Particle.subscribe("toggle_led", eventHandler);//, MY_DEVICES);
    pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);  // LED pin
    Serial.begin(9600);   // Optional: Debugging

void eventHandler(const char *event, const char *data) {
    Serial.printlnf("Received event: %s, data: %s", event, data);

    if (strcmp(data, "on") == 0) {
        digitalWrite(D7, HIGH); // Turn on the LED
        delay(1000);            // Keep the LED on for 5 seconds
        digitalWrite(D7, LOW);  // Turn off the LED

void loop() {
    // Continuously listen for events
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On touching the sensor on board 1, the LED connected to board 2 lights up.

Particle Photon Working with networking & Webhook integration
Shivani Kannan -


The process was quite challenging. Our team spent a lot of time (8hrs over 2 days) trying to get our particle boards to communicate, to the point where we also got a friend from ECE to help out. It was, however, still not working: while the event was getting published on Board 1's console, Board 2 was unable to listen to the event.

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Developing paired devices and networked interactions with Particle.publish