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• Deploy a Particle Argon powered code project to a microcontroller for blinking LED with differing delays.

Created: November 7th, 2021



    • Exercise 1: Blink the LED on and off every 1 second.

  • Exercise 2: Change the program to blink on and off 5 times then stop for 3 seconds. Each blink should be 0.5s (a half-second)
  • Exercise 3: Alternately blinking LEDs



I had connected to my home Wi-Fi at the beginning but once I finished my circuit and flashed the code it was probably broken by then. This led to no error on the status bar of IDE but a message displayed saying that ‘Flash unsuccessful’. When I finally refreshed my Wi-Fi connection for the Argon through my phone, it finally flashed the code and the LED blinked like it was supposed to, however the status bar still showed ‘Flash unsuccessful’ which I’m unsure of why that is happening. 



Needing to refresh the Wi-fi network for the Argon on Particle app is a hassle. I learnt that there is a way to fix this issue by putting the following command in CLI: 'particle usb setup-done' but since I'm unable to install Particle CLI this is not possible for me. 

Next step: find an alternate way to install Particle CLI since this seems to be important for troubleshooting.


Exercise 1: Blink the LED on and off every 1 second.

Designing for IoT 1: getting set up with Argon
Isha Hans -
int led1 = D2;

void setup() {
    pinMode( led1, OUTPUT );

void loop() {
    digitalWrite( led1, HIGH );
    delay( 1000 );
    digitalWrite( led1, LOW);
    delay( 1000 );
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Exercise 2: Change the program to blink on and off 5 times then stop for 3 seconds. Each blink should be 0.5s (a half second)

Designing for IoT 1.2: Blinking light with delays
Isha Hans -
int led1 = D2;

void setup() {
    pinMode( led1, OUTPUT );

void loop() {
    digitalWrite( led1, HIGH );
    delay( 500 );
    digitalWrite( led1, LOW);
    delay( 500 );
    digitalWrite( led1, HIGH );
    delay( 500 );
    digitalWrite( led1, LOW);
    delay( 500 );
    digitalWrite( led1, HIGH );
    delay( 500 );
    digitalWrite( led1, LOW);
    delay( 500 );
    digitalWrite( led1, HIGH );
    delay( 500 );
    digitalWrite( led1, LOW);
    delay( 500 );
    digitalWrite( led1, HIGH );
    delay( 500 );
    digitalWrite( led1, LOW);
    delay( 500 );
    delay( 3000 );
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Exercise 3: Program the LED’s to alternate blinks i.e. when LED 1 turns on, LED 2 turns off, then when LED 2 turns on, LED 1 turns off

Designing for IoT 1.3: Alternate blinking lights
Isha Hans -
int led1 = D2;
int led2 = D11;

void setup() {
    pinMode( led1, OUTPUT );
    pinMode( led2, OUTPUT );

void loop() {
    digitalWrite( led1, HIGH );
    digitalWrite( led2, LOW );
    delay( 1000 );
    digitalWrite( led1, LOW );
    digitalWrite( led2, HIGH );
    delay( 1000 );
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Focused on

• Deploy a Particle Argon powered code project to a microcontroller for blinking LED with differing delays.