Skill Investigation: Knitting

Made by mdubrosa

Created: November 19th, 2016



For this skills investigation, I wanted to learn how to knit using knitting needles. I wanted to strengthen my knitting abilities, as I wanted to learn different techniques and different uses for knitting. I was interested in different types of stitches and different types of projects one could do. By creating this project, I am combining what I have learned in class as well with what I have learned through my own research. 


Process & Product

I created a small sample of a simple knit stitch, and I am working on a bigger version of using a knit stich. I learned through various YoutTube videos how to cast on, knit, and bind off. From my research, I learned that the basic cast on involved a slip knot at the beginning and then a long tail to use to in combination with the yarn that was directly attached to the roll to cast on. While I only tried out the knit stitch, I learned about a lot of different stitches, such as purling and all of the different ways to combine them to create different patterns (ribbing, seed stitch, double seed stitch, etc.). In order to actually create the sample, I used knitting needles and yarn. 



Going into this project, I knew nothing about knitting except for what we had done in the demo during the second class. Through my skill investigation, I learned a lot more about the different types of knitting as well as how to actually knit. One thing I would have done differently would be I would have tried out doing all of the different stitches instead of just working on larger sample of the simple knit stitch. 


Sample Book

Include some photos of your sample book. 
