Skills Dev II: Working with Inputs & Sensors

Made by Justin Slusher ·

In this project, my goal was to build a system using a flex sensor and LEDs, where the flex sensor's bend degree controls the lighting behavior. I then added a push button switch to alter the interaction between the flex sensor and the LEDs -- allowing the LEDs to respond differently when the button is pressed or not.

Created: November 8th, 2023

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48-675 Designing for the Internet of Things

· 11 members

A hands-on introductory course exploring the Internet of Things and connected product experiences.


In this project, my goal was to build a system using a flex sensor and LEDs, where the flex sensor's bend degree controls the lighting behavior. I then added a push button switch to alter the interaction between the flex sensor and the LEDs -- allowing the LEDs to respond differently when the button is pressed or not.