Skills Investigation and Sample Book

Made by pathomps

This project explores the skills learned during Soft Fabrication Skills (99-352) and presents my skills investigation final project.

Created: February 15th, 2018



I decided to do a skills investigation on needle felting. My goal was to first use a stencil to create my primary shape of my unicorn and do the rest of my additions in a free-form manner in order to challenge myself and develop my needle felting skills. I made a unicorn because unicorns remind me of happiness and a collage of bright colors. I also find needle felting very relaxing and enjoyable, so this surprising newfound interest of mine motivated me to pursue this activity at a higher level.



I first gathered my felt-work supplies after brainstorming how I was going to decorate and personalize my unicorn.  I researched and explored past needle felting projects done by students who have taken this class and pictures on google. I chose white felt as my foundation for my unicorn shape, light green for horn, blue for the snout, black for the eye, pink for the mouth, and purple for the hair. I didn't encounter any issues as I worked on my project. It was overall a very smooth, low-stress activity. 



My final product ended up being a colorful unicorn. To create the smooth and neat texture of the final product, I consistently used the felting needle to make many knots in the felt by continuously poking the needle through my creation and the sponge until the fabric became very dense. I also found myself using my needle to pick up and shape the felt into into certain shapes before using my needle to make the felt dense. 



I had a great time creating my colorful unicorn. It really helped me develop my needle felting skills. If I could create my unicorn differently, I would try to make a whole unicorn instead of only the head.


Sample Book

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This project explores the skills learned during Soft Fabrication Skills (99-352) and presents my skills investigation final project.