Ghost Pepper

Made by Kami Chin, Ashutosh Sharma and Varun Gadh · UNLISTED (SHOWN IN POOLS)

In many situations of attack or robbery, the victim can't react fast enough to defend themselves. For this reason, we've prototyped an automated pepper spray that attaches to your clothes and activates whenever a threat is detected. Unfortunately, the signs of a threat from a stranger sometimes overlap with the signs of excitement or anxiety...

Created: March 26th, 2018

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49313 Designing for the Internet of Things (Undergrad)

· 22 members

A hands-on introductory course exploring the Internet of Things and connected product experiences.

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In many situations of attack or robbery, the victim can't react fast enough to defend themselves. For this reason, we've prototyped an automated pepper spray that attaches to your clothes and activates whenever a threat is detected.

Unfortunately, the signs of a threat from a stranger sometimes overlap with the signs of excitement or anxiety...