Soldering Scotties
Made by Tobi Aina, Tyler White, Bennett Goeke and Sarah Kuzniewski · UNLISTED (SHOWN IN POOLS)
Made by Tobi Aina, Tyler White, Bennett Goeke and Sarah Kuzniewski · UNLISTED (SHOWN IN POOLS)
Reimagining the LoveBox simplified into sending emojis to an IoT Device
Created: December 5th, 2023
Our proposal for our final project is centered around a precedent called “Lovebox”, which is an IoT messaging device that aims to connect users, going beyond regular communication, and allowing them to deliver special expressions of affection. The Lovebox employs the use of calm technology, using ambient notifications to show when a message has been received. The simple box uses a small heart icon on the exterior of the box to achieve this, having the heart spin when a message has been received and allowing users to spin the heart back to notify the sender they’ve received it. This allows one to send a message to someone without forcing their attention to switch from whatever they may be doing at the time. Once they choose to view the message, they can open the top of the box to view a small display that shows the unique messages.
Build on your design and imagine new possible interactions and scenarios of interaction for today's computing based on what you've learned from rebuilding your design. For each conceptual design, provide a high level design overview that considers and describes: what context it operates in ; what it does and how it behaves; how someone would or could interact with it; and how these interactions unfold. Pay particular detail to _how each proposal builds on the original precedent work in a meaningful way._ Detail your design proposal(s) with a series of illustrations.
Go back to your pre-mortum, and relfect on what you were wrong about. In particular, ask how has your understanding of this precedent work changed based on the act of restoring and reviving it (e.g. look at your original bill of materials and plans and see what changed). Reflect on if your understanding of the value of this project is different. Unpack what did and didn't work, what you learned, and what you would do differently if you could go back. Finally, ask what has been the value of looking back at overlooked, forgotten, or older works to inspire new design directions today?
IoT digital picture frame
Allows you to send photos to a picture frame
Can send photos via text or through the app
Photos appear immediately on the screen and join the current rotation of photos
IoT digital picture frame
Allows you to send photos to a picture frame
Can send photos via email or through app
Photos appear immediately on the screen and join the current rotation of photos
Tap heart button to say “thank you” to sender
Explanation of how to send SMS message from Particle Photon
Set up Twilio Account
Identify phone number to use
How to retrieve Twilio Account SID and API Secret
Prepping Particle Photon and sending SMS
How to add support for MMS
Explainer on what IFTT is, how to effectively use it, and possible alternatives
How to use a servo motor with an Aruino
Building an Arduino on a breadboard
This project is only listed in this pool. Be considerate and think twice before sharing.
A hands-on introductory course exploring the Internet of Things and connected product experiences.
Reimagining the LoveBox simplified into sending emojis to an IoT Device