Trickle- a responsive lighting installation

Made by Gillan Johnson, Javier Argota Sánchez-Vaquerizo, Neeraj Verma and Arnita Saini

The goal of our project was to inform people about the risks of using a public wifi network. We created a lighting installation that detects devices using public wi-fi and, after this detection, responds with a lighting pattern that tracks and follows the user. It is also able to detect which app the user has open, responding with lighting color changes that correspond to the apps visual identity and a notification sound in the environment representing a notification received from this app.

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The goal of our project was to inform people about the risks of using a public wifi network. We created a lighting installation that detects devices using public wi-fi and, after this detection, responds with a lighting pattern that tracks and follows the user. It is also able to detect which app the user has open, responding with lighting color changes that correspond to the apps visual identity and a notification sound in the environment representing a notification received from this app.