1. Transit Routes: Bus lines in the two neighborhoods. Both areas have fewer routes than others in the city.
Method: Show the bus routes on a satellite map of the neighborhood.
Outcome: Fewer bus routes, and maybe less frequency of them, can represent disincentives for people to use public transportation to go to their regular duties. If a person doesn't use public transit regularly, it is expected that his/her means of transport relies on private cars or taxis, therefore walking becomes less common.
2. Crosswalks: Dots showing the different kinds of crosswalks in the city. Both areas have fewer dots and less variety than others in the city.
Method: Show dots of the different kinds of crosswalks.
Outcomes: The city maintains different kinds of crosswalks so residents and visitors can use sidewalks in a more secure manner in their ways to the different points in the city. If a neighborhood has seldom crossings, pedestrians face the insecurity to cross a street that might represent a big danger to his own life, plus if a person is accompanied by kids or dogs, the level of insecurity will certainly increase for the fear of having to take care of more than one being at the same time.
3. Steps: Pittsburgh is a hilly city, with many neighbors in very steep slopes that creates a particular and challenging landscape to walk through. The two neighbors do have a good amount of steps so anyone can go up and down the hill.
Method: Show the location and length of different steps by using an exaggerated arrow.
Outcomes: The two areas may or not be the steepest neighbor in Pittsburgh, nevertheless, they have several steps to use. In the map, as a pedestrian is easy to understand the challenge to go to another area of the city if the length and the slope of the steps are considerable. Also, some areas, like in the northern parts of the Hill District and eastern parts of Hazelwood there are no steps so the ability to communicate to other parts of Pittsburgh becomes even harder.
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