The project shifted a lot in the duration of time that I had. Many of the problems were natural causes like gravity, wear and tear that I had not considered in my initial sketches and design process. The laser printing was relatively easy to work through in Fusion 360. 3D printing however was more time consuming and I regret not spending as much time on those parts as I did the laser printed pieces. I also struggled to glue the acrylic pieces together using the cement. It solidified quickly and would eject quickly from the tip as well.
To expand on the project, I would build a lid container for the full blocked pieces. I would also like to spend more time designing lids for the half pieces such that a top and back piece could easily be added together. The reproducibility of the holder it great. The board an be rearranged to suit the user and what they believe should fit their needs. The sides of the boxes can also be lengthened making the project more personal. This thing is a multipurpose structure that’s true purpose can only be defined by the person using it. I definitely used participatory culture to my advantage as my ideas were generated based on other honeycomb designs. I studied how other people built hexagonal boxes by either making each individual side or stacking the shape on top of each other.
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