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For our final project, we developed an integrated and exciting product that helps park-goers find places in the park for activities. We developed a sensor module and a board module. The sensor module reads the soil moisture, light level and sound level. Then, it sends this information to the cloud, so the board module can consume the data. If the data value has a large magnitude, it means the board component for that sensor will be colored green. If the data value has a small magnitude, it means the board component for that sensor will be colored red. The users are able to select which sensor component to display by pressing a button. After pressing a button, the board will display a heat map of the sensor value intensity. 

Our product can be extended to support multiple sensors. For our demo, we only had one sensor and made the radius of impact very large. Ideally, we would have more sensors and each sensor would affect a smaller part of the board.

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