Flagstaff Hill Project

Made by atesfaye, Richard Dong and mspettel · UNLISTED (SHOWN IN POOLS)

Created: December 13th, 2019

For our final project, we developed an integrated and exciting product that helps park-goers find places in the park for activities. We developed a sensor module and a board module. The sensor module reads the soil moisture, light level and sound level. Then, it sends this information to the cloud, so the board module can consume the data. If the data value has a large magnitude, it means the board component for that sensor will be colored green. If the data value has a small magnitude, it means the board component for that sensor will be colored red. The users are able to select which sensor component to display by pressing a button. After pressing a button, the board will display a heat map of the sensor value intensity. 

Our product can be extended to support multiple sensors. For our demo, we only had one sensor and made the radius of impact very large. Ideally, we would have more sensors and each sensor would affect a smaller part of the board.



  1. We first found an SVG of Flag Staff Hill on OpenStreetMaps. We converted this SVG into a format that could be printed by the laser printers.
  2. Then, we drilled 101 holes on the board and soldered 101 neopixel lights together.
  3. We then mounted all of these lights in the holes we drilled
  4. We started to implement the board module by making a simple program that turns on all the lights
  5. We installed the 3 buttons and laser-cut icons for them on the board.
  6. Then, we started to implement the sensor module. It was short to implement since it only has to upload the sensor readings to the cloud. It maps all the values to a number between 0 and 255.
  7. The board module was then programmed to receive these values and calculate a gradient based on the intensity of the value.


We were able to implement an interesting prototype that many people liked.

Sensor module code
int moisture_pin = A1;

// //int microphone_dpin = D7;, not using
int microphone_apin = A0;

int light_sensor_pin = A2;

int moisture_level, mic_level, light_level;

char *buffer;

void setup() {
    moisture_level = 255;
    mic_level = 255;
    light_level = 0;
    // //Serial.begin(9600);
    pinMode(moisture_pin, INPUT); 
    pinMode(light_sensor_pin, INPUT); 
    pinMode(microphone_apin, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
    buffer = (char*)calloc(200, sizeof(char));

void loop() {
    moisture_level = (255 - max(0, min(255, analogRead(moisture_pin) / 8)));
    mic_level = 255 - max(0, min(analogRead(microphone_apin) / 8, 255));
    //mic_level = 255 - max(0, min(255, map(analogRead(microphone_apin), 0, 4095, 0, 255)));
    light_level = max(0, min(255, analogRead(light_sensor_pin) / 4));
    //char buffer[200];
    sprintf(buffer, "moisture = %d, micval %d, lightlevel = %d", moisture_level, mic_level, light_level);

    Particle.publish("data", buffer, PRIVATE, WITH_ACK);

Click to Expand
Board module code
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <neopixel.h>
#include "math.h"

#define PIXEL_PIN D6
#define PIXEL_COUNT 101
#define PIXEL_TYPE WS2812

#define NUM_ROWS 14
#define NUM_COLS 11

int matrix[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS] = {0};

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(PIXEL_COUNT, PIXEL_PIN, PIXEL_TYPE);

int wet_button = A0;
int sun_button = A1;
int sound_button = A2;

int action_id = -1;
int action_value, action_row, action_col;

int moisture_level = -1;
int mic_level = -1;
int light_level = -1;

void markInvalid(int col, int startRow, int endRow) {
    for(int i = startRow; i < endRow; i++) {
        matrix[i][col] = -1;

void setup() {
    pinMode(wet_button, INPUT);
    pinMode(sun_button, INPUT);
    pinMode(sound_button, INPUT);

    //mark invalid locations
    markInvalid(0, 0, 3);
    markInvalid(0, 6, NUM_ROWS);
    markInvalid(1, 6, NUM_ROWS);
    markInvalid(2, 7, NUM_ROWS);
    markInvalid(3, 9, NUM_ROWS);
    markInvalid(4, 14, NUM_ROWS);
    markInvalid(5, 14, NUM_ROWS);
    markInvalid(6, 13, NUM_ROWS);
    markInvalid(7, 13, NUM_ROWS);
    //markInvalid(8, 5, 7);
    markInvalid(8, 12, NUM_ROWS);
    markInvalid(9, 6, NUM_ROWS);
    markInvalid(10, 2, NUM_ROWS);
    Particle.subscribe("data", receiveData, MY_DEVICES);

void receiveData(const char *event, const char *data) {
    sscanf(data, "moisture = %d, micval %d, lightlevel = %d", &moisture_level, &mic_level, &light_level);


float calc_dist(int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2) {
    return sqrt((r1-r2)*(r1-r2) + (c1-c2)*(c1-c2));

void updateLights() {
    uint32_t c = strip.Color(100, 100, 0);

    int index = 0;
    for (int i =0; i < NUM_ROWS; i++) {
        for(int j =NUM_COLS-1; j >= 0; j--) {
            int real_c;
            if(i % 2 == 1) {
                real_c = NUM_COLS - 1 - j;
            }else {
                real_c = j;
            if(matrix[i][real_c] != -1) {
                if(action_id != -1) {
                    int action_value;
                    if(action_id == 0) {
                        action_value = moisture_level;
                    else if(action_id == 1) {
                        action_value = light_level;
                    }else {
                        action_value = mic_level;
                    float dist = calc_dist(i, real_c, action_row, action_col);
                    if (dist == 0) {
                        dist = 1;
                    float value = action_value / dist;
                    if(dist > 5) {
                        c = strip.Color(0, 255, 0);
                    } else {
                        c = strip.Color(255 - ((int) value), (int)value, 0);
                strip.setPixelColor(index, c);


bool isButtonPressed(int pin) {
    int analogValue = analogRead(pin);
    //char buffer[100];
    //sprintf(buffer, "%d\n", analogValue);
    //Particle.publish("buttons", buffer, PRIVATE, WITH_ACK);
    return analogValue > 20;

void loop() {
    if(isButtonPressed(wet_button)) {
        //Particle.publish("button", "wet", PRIVATE);
        action_id = 0;
        action_row = 5;
        action_col = 5;
        //action_value = 120;
    if(isButtonPressed(sun_button)) {
        //Particle.publish("button", "sun", PRIVATE);
        action_id = 1;
        action_row = 5;
        action_col = 5;
        //action_value = 0;
    if(isButtonPressed(sound_button)) {
        //Particle.publish("button", "sound", PRIVATE);
        action_id = 2;
        action_row = 5;
        action_col = 5;
        //action_value = 255;

Click to Expand

Display Board Circuit Schematic


We used the following tutorials/examples to help develop the code for the sensor module and the board module.



We uploaded the laser cutting models to the following Google Drive folder.



Circuit Schematics


Design Challenges

The main design question we faced was whether to display raw sensor data on the map or to act on the data for people and display which areas are good for what activities.

After talking with the experts for Deep Local we decided to give as much power and freedom to the user as possible. Only an individual themselves know what conditions they are searching for. Whether they want to read a book in the sun or the shade is not something we can rightfully decide.

Another design challenge was figuring out how to help users quickly orient themselves on the map. We allow users to press down on the diffused LED panel to see the details underneath on the map.  


Next Steps

  • To deploy the prototype, we need to assemble more sensor nodes and calibrate our data for the varying topography and conditions of the hill.]

  • Approval and funding from the city of Pittsburgh, as well as completed construction of power and wi-fi infrastructure

  • Add a more clear way to describe which metric is being shown - likely an additional indicator light next to each icon, or making the icon itself light up.

  • Add a clear way to demonstrate to the user what red and green mean. In some cases, it can be ambiguous what is good and bad - for example, looking for sun or shade.  
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