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Open Questions and Next Steps

During the demonstration session, several useful suggestions were provided. The physical structure should encourage air-blowing behavior without explicit instruction. An organic shape and musical instruments could serve as inspiration. Establishing a particular behavior, like whispering, is important, which requires gentle behavior and close proximity. Additionally, it is unnecessary to confine everything to one location; dispersing the elements in the space allows people to move and interact freely. Utilizing the environment and props can also naturally compel people to engage with the experience, such as using a chair in a corner that allows air to blow from the back.

Feedback is crucial, and the level of respect required may vary based on the degree of anger or satisfaction. For minor irritations, a puff of air may be sufficient to calm someone, while a larger outburst may require both a puff of air and a verbal "thank you." Physical interaction with the structure makes the experience more engaging and creates the sensation of interacting with a living creature. Furthermore, the air element adds an element of surprise to the interaction, as people tend to expect only visual or auditory responses rather than tactile ones. The metaphor of mapping IoT and home gods proved effective in both directions.

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