I’m here

Made by Semina Yi

This project aims to materialize the presence of Jowangshin, the Goddess of the kitchen and fire, in a way that can be perceptible to people. I intended to manifest her existence in a delicate and imperceptible yet sensible manner, which is achieved through breath. Breath is a crucial aspect of one's being, and the sensation of air from breathing represents the embodiment of existence.

Created: April 21st, 2023



This project aims to materialize the presence of Jowangshin, the Goddess of the kitchen and fire, in a way that can be perceptible to people. I intended to manifest her existence in a delicate and imperceptible yet sensible manner, which is achieved through breath. Breath is a crucial aspect of one's being, and the sensation of air from breathing represents the embodiment of existence.

In Korean shamanism, Gasin is considered a type of deity that is believed to safeguard specific objects, families, and spaces within a house. Multiple gods reside in every house room, each responsible for different tasks to ensure our well-being. Among them is Jowangshin, the Goddess of fire and the hearth, who is related to the kitchen. Customs such as carrying fire when moving homes, bringing matches to a new home, or a habit of not extinguishing the fire originated from worshiping her. A belief in the kitchen goddess suggests that families thrive when she is respected. Have you ever been aware of her presence in your own home? Did you show her your respect yet? 



This project builds upon the first project, the wind whistler, and incorporates the traditional superstition of Gashin. The movement of wind, essentially the flow of air, prompted me to contemplate the breath. I came to realize that breath is what animates all living beings, and it is an undeniable aspect of one's existence. Despite this, feeling someone's breath is rare as it requires close proximity. However, if one senses someone's breath on their neck, it creates a mysterious feeling of presence, almost like someone is following them.

Initially, I thought of creating a living IoT creature within a household, undetectable to human senses, much like a ghost. It would suddenly reveal itself to people and distinguish itself from machines by its breathing ability. This IoT creature would produce sounds and airflows that could not be hidden since it required breathing. This idea prompted me to explore the concept of tactile feedback and led me to discover "Aireal," a project that uses air puffs as a form of haptic feedback. While the sound was intriguing, it needed to be subtle enough to resemble a breath and was impractical for demonstrations or exhibitions.

A puff of air can also be used to draw attention gently. For instance, mothers often play with their babies by blowing air at each other, creating a back-and-forth response. This type of interaction occurs solely between humans, and I aspire to replicate it in the context of human-machine interaction.



"I'm here" is a machine that produces air and is activated by human movements, such as entering a room. The machine stops producing wind breath- once the person notices the air and responds with a blow. This experience was created using multiple input and output modules. The PIR sensor can detect movement within approximately 10m of the sensor. The machine produced a puff of air with the help of a blower and a relay to control the air movement—a standard-sized servo due to the large blower, which needed an additional power source. The four AA batteries (total 6V) functioned satisfactorily. To stop the airflow, I utilized a flax sensor to detect it. The structure aimed to be built behind the wall, and only a few parts were revealed. The current prototype was made with a laser cut to simulate the wall, and the blow-in shell aimed to imitate the nest thermometer. The blow-out shell is designed to release air through a narrow opening rather than the current large, open mouth.

#include <Servo.h> 
#include <Arduino_APDS9960.h>

int PIRsensor = 2;              // the pin that the sensor is atteched to
int PIRstate = LOW;             // by default, no motion detected
int PIRval = 0;                 // variable to store the sensor status (value)

int flexPin = A0;
int value;

int relayPin = 3;
int servoPin = 9;
int pos = 0;    // variable to store the servo position 

Servo myservo;  // create servo object to control a servo 

void setup() {
  pinMode(PIRsensor, INPUT);
  pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);
  Serial.begin(9600);        // initialize serial
  while (!Serial);

  if (!APDS.begin()) {
    Serial.println("Error initializing APDS-9960 sensor!");

void loop(){

  value = analogRead(flexPin);
  Serial.print("flex value: ");
  //value = map(value, 700, 900,0, 255);//Map value 0-1023 to 0-255 (PWM)

  PIRval = digitalRead(PIRsensor);   // read sensor value

  if (PIRval == HIGH) {           // check if the sensor is HIGH
    delay(100);                // delay 100 milliseconds 
    if (PIRstate == LOW) {
      Serial.println("Motion detected!");
        digitalWrite (relayPin,HIGH);
        Serial.println("relay on");

      while (value > 100);

      PIRstate = HIGH;       // update variable state to HIGH
  else {
      delay(200);             // delay 200 milliseconds 
      if (PIRstate == HIGH){
        Serial.println("Motion stopped!");


        digitalWrite (relayPin,LOW);

        PIRstate = LOW;       // update variable state to LOW
Click to Expand


The PIR sensor was used to detect people entering the room. Initially, I thought the proxy sensor on the Arduino would be sufficient, but its detection range was too short, so I opted for a separate sensor. The PIR sensor can detect movement within approximately 10m of the sensor. However, I had difficulty understanding its sensitivity and feedback time because the knob on the sensor was not intuitive. The machine produced a puff of air with the help of a blower, which initially confused me because the blower had four wires. After researching, I learned that it was a PWM blower, which stands for "pulse width modulation." The PWM 4-pin configuration includes GND, Voltage, Fan Speed, and Fan Speed Controller. I used a relay to control the air movement because I wanted short bursts of air rather than continuous airflow. I also designed the machine to reveal the fan through a box, resembling a person peeking out. The small servo could function without any issues, but I required a standard-sized servo due to the large blower, which needed an additional power source. The four AA batteries (total 6V) functioned satisfactorily, but the battery life was too short. I attempted to switch to the 5V USB socket; however, it did not have sufficient power to activate the blower. To stop the airflow, I utilized a flax sensor to detect it.


Open Questions and Next Steps

During the demonstration session, several useful suggestions were provided. The physical structure should encourage air-blowing behavior without explicit instruction. An organic shape and musical instruments could serve as inspiration. Establishing a particular behavior, like whispering, is important, which requires gentle behavior and close proximity. Additionally, it is unnecessary to confine everything to one location; dispersing the elements in the space allows people to move and interact freely. Utilizing the environment and props can also naturally compel people to engage with the experience, such as using a chair in a corner that allows air to blow from the back.

Feedback is crucial, and the level of respect required may vary based on the degree of anger or satisfaction. For minor irritations, a puff of air may be sufficient to calm someone, while a larger outburst may require both a puff of air and a verbal "thank you." Physical interaction with the structure makes the experience more engaging and creates the sensation of interacting with a living creature. Furthermore, the air element adds an element of surprise to the interaction, as people tend to expect only visual or auditory responses rather than tactile ones. The metaphor of mapping IoT and home gods proved effective in both directions.



Unlike my previous projects, this project is unique in that it offers complete freedom to explore. To my surprise, working under such conditions proved conducive to my creativity. Additionally, my approach to the project had to differ slightly from my previous object-based design, as I had to consider how the structure would be embedded in the exhibition space and how users would interact with it. There are numerous factors to take into account, and I found myself making many assumptions. To tackle the challenge of creating a comprehensive spatial experience, it was necessary to list and address these factors sequentially to avoid becoming overwhelmed. Furthermore, multiple power sources are required for the spatial experience, and the devices must be able to communicate either through wiring or Bluetooth. This is something new that I have to figure out.

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This project aims to materialize the presence of Jowangshin, the Goddess of the kitchen and fire, in a way that can be perceptible to people. I intended to manifest her existence in a delicate and imperceptible yet sensible manner, which is achieved through breath. Breath is a crucial aspect of one's being, and the sensation of air from breathing represents the embodiment of existence.